REF: Tools - 130

Master Cylinder / Brake Caliper / Rotor Tools

Retaining Ring Removal / Installation

Snap Ring Pliers from Carquest (PN STL46000): The longer points on the end allow access to the snap ring in the front master cylinders to be removed.
Some snap ring pliers are too big to get in there. These were purchased from Carquest for less than $20.


Caliper Removal / Installation

98 style rear caliper mounting bolts (2) require a Torx T-40 driver bit.
The brake hose is fastened to the swingarm with a P-clamp and a 1/4“ hex head screw.


Compressing Caliper Piston


Brake Cylinder Hone

  • This zero-cost brake cylinder hone works better on small motorcycle master cylinders than the proper tool you buy at the auto parts store. It fits inside 13-15 mm master cylinders much easier and does not fly apart and scar up the aluminum cylinder bore. 4)
Use a piece of 3/8” wooden dowel about 8“ long.
Cut a slot into one end about 3/4” long. 5)
Insert a piece of 800 grit wet sandpaper
(folded double) in the slot. 6)
Roll it around so it matches the direction of rotation
of your electric drill so it goes with the flow,
not against it. 7)
Hold the master cylinder firm but don't crush or
distort it, and insert the special tool. 8)
Using a drill, faster you spin it, the more the
sandpaper is flung out against the cylinder. Check
the bore frequently as it rapidly removes the soft
aluminium so it does not take long to get the
cylinder nice and smooth again. 9)

Brake Disc (rotor)

An impact wrench works for loosening the Torx bolts on the rotor to remove it from the rim.
Then you can use a regular ratchet to remove them the rest of the way.10)
A good sturdy corner of a wall helps to stabilize the wheel while you bang on it. 11)

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