REF: Body Parts

Aftermarket Handlebars, Risers and Mods


  • For those who are shopping around for different types of bars (with their measurements), this section will show an approximate view from the seat and the side of how the different bars look while installed. Looks can be deceiving however with different models, color backgrounds and perceptions.
1“ Drag Bars w/ stock risers and cables on a 2014 XL1200C - 30” wide, 6“ pullback, 8” center. 1)
1“ Ape Hangers 2) w/ stock risers on a 2005 XL883C
Dims: 33” wide, 15“ total rise, 13” rise to grip tip, 14.5“ pullback, 10” center width. 3)
1“ (black) Moto Bar 4) w/ stock risers and cables on a 2005 XL883
Dims: 31” wide, 4.25“ rise, 2.75” pullback, 4.75“ center width. 5)


Riser Mods


Done on a 2005 1200R
Using 3/4” sockets: a 1/2“x13 nut (3/4” hex) was epoxied in each socket. The threads were then drilled out to 1/2“. 6)

Offset Riser Blocks


Start with some square stock aluminum, drill holes for the bars (7/8” / 1“ etc.) and mark center on the outside edge to cut a pinch slot. 8)
The pinch slot can be cut with a hacksaw.
Drill the hole for the pinch bolt, countersink that for a cap head bolt.
Drill and countersink the second hole for the mounting bolt to the upper tree. 9)

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