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MiscRes: HD Part Numbers Explained

However, some parts do have an actual part number printed on them (some electronics have part numbers inked).
Only the MoCo knows the EXACT rhyme and reasons for the part numbers that they assign to the different parts of their bikes.
We can decode some of these part numbers but in some instances we can only cypher so far.
This article is an attempt to explain some of the coding and changes to the original part numbers and upgrade numbers.

CASTING NUMBERS ARE NOT PART NUMBERS and in most cases have nothing to do with the part numbers.
However, some casting numbers have a unique number set and have been used to describe the parts in which they have been cast into.
Click Here to reference “HD Part Numbers Explained” in the Sportsterpedia.

If there is a change to the part number, it is assumed that it is a different part altogether and will not fit your motorcycle (part number is different, right?).
The truth is there is no way of knowing for sure just going by the part number.
The forgoing has been documented and links to pics and other documentation are provided where applicable and will be in blue lettering.
However, some examples listed are generic for clarity.
Also in the examples, specific year codes are shown but hardly any of the forgoing only pertains to specific year models.
Most examples can easily apply to Sportsters from 1957-present if applied to different parts/part numbers.

Length of Part#s

The length of the part numbers are determined by the MoCo and some are within reason and some are not even close to reasoning out.

Generally, HD hardware typically has between 3 and 5 digits (i.e. 511 cotter pin or 3455 bolt or 7855W washer).
But there are bolts/nuts with a 5 digit number and a dash number.
And hardware part numbers sometimes have a letter added on the end indicating a length, material, vendor change from the original version.
Reference Evo Fastener Page

Most parts other than hardware have a 5 digit number followed by a dash and year code.
Newer versions of that part may have a letter added on the end. And some parts have 2 letters on the end (19“ front fender 59007-73TB).

General Part# Changes

Prefix# Changes (first 5)

Most HD part numbers generally consist of 5 numbers followed by a dash and 2 extra numbers (xxxxx-xx).
We'll call them prefix and suffix numbers for clarity here (prefix xxxxx) and (suffix -xx).
There are exceptions to that however especially with some fasteners having just 3-5 numbers alone without a dash number.

Suffix# Changes (dash number -xx)

The original suffix (or dash number) is usually a dash followed by a 2 digit number on the end of the full part number sequence.
(although not all part numbers have the dash numbers)
