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IH: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-09I

Removing / Installing Motor Mounts

From the Service Manuals

The ironhead factory service manuals lay out the procedure for 'stripping the motorcycle for repair'.
This covers the procedure for removing / installing the motor and also includes the motor mounts. However, the whole story is not in the manual.
You can induce added vibration and potential for cracks in the mounts or cases if the mounts aren't installed properly.

Below is the procedure from the manuals for removing and installing the mounts. 1) 2) 3)

To remove the motor (given all other particulars have been removed as this is strictly regarding the mounts themselves);

  1. 57-78:
    Remove top engine support bolt located between the cylinders.
    Be sure to note how many shim washers are between the head bracket and the frame lug so they can be re-installed with the engine.
    Remove the rear top engine support bracket and then the front top engine support bracket.
    On 83-up engines, remove the VOES and then the rear top mount.
  2. Remove the right crash bar bolt (if equipped).
  3. Loosen but do not remove the top front bolt from the lower left plate.
  4. Remove the three remaining bolts and left crash bar bolt (if equipped).
  5. Remove the two top bracket support bolts (1 from each head) along with the bracket assembly.
  6. Remove the two top rear engine mounting bolts and regulator ground strap.
  7. Remove the stoplight switch (66 and earlier), rear brake lever and spring (74 and earlier) and gear shift foot lever (75-up).
  8. Remove left footrest 78<.
  9. Remove the two bottom rear engine mounting bolts.
  10. Remove the top left bolt from the lower mounting plate.
    (The 79-85 FSM simply states to remove the hardware that attaches the front and rear of the engine to the frame).

To install the motor (Again, this is strictly regarding the mounts themselves and all other parts will need to be addressed that were removed);
The 79-85 FSM doesn't give instructions on putting everything back together.

  1. Install the right crash bar bolt (if equipped).
  1. Install the two bottom rear engine mounting bolts
  2. Install the two top rear engine mounting bolts and regulator ground strap.
  3. Install the top left bolt from the lower mounting plate.
  4. Install the three remaining bolts and left crash bar bolt (if equipped).
  5. (It's assumed to tighten) the top front bolt from the lower left plate.
  6. Install the stoplight switch (66 and earlier), rear brake lever and spring (74 and earlier) and gear shift foot lever (75-up).
  7. Install the two top rear engine mounting bolts and regulator ground strap.
  8. 57-78:
    Install the 2 top bracket support bolts (one on each head) along with the bracket assembly and the top engine support bolt located between the cylinders.
    (Be sure reinstall the correct amount of shim washers as removed).

Further Explanation on Installing Motor Mounts from XLForum Members

When following the manual procedures, it's possible and actually common to tighten everything up only to find the motor position has cracked the rear mount.
Your motor needs to be “cradled” in the frame. 4)
If it's just put in and tightened up it could be out of alignment and stress one area more than others.
That can set up a harmonic that gets worse at a specific rpm range. The way the rear mount is designed, it determines the motor location. 5) 6)
The rear mount has to be tightened first, then the other mounts.
It's possible to probable that most rear mount breakage can be attributed to improper assembly techniques, broken frames or loose / missing mounts.
You cannot “pull” the rear mount into place against the other mounts as it will break the mount due to the high amount of leverage from the other mounts.
The front frame tubes may spring sideways slightly but that is the only allowable “pulling”.
All mounts should fit nicely and naturally before tightening.

  1. The rear mount is fixed (as in not adjustable).
    It has to be tightened first to the motor (snug the top 2 bolts, tighten the 3 lower nuts / bolts then tighten the top 2).
    Then tighten the 4 frame to mount bolts before even installing the other mounts.
    See Rear Mounts below for more details.
  2. After the rear mount is tightened, then install the front mounts.
    Take care to keep the motor in it's natural position after rear mount is tightened. Do not pull or wedge the motor against the rear mount.
    If things don't fit right, perhaps the frame is bent or the rear mount position on the motor needs to be adjusted (which is difficult if not impossible).
    Keep in mind that all bolts must go through all of the parts without any binding AFTER the rear mount is tight.
    Work on any front bolt holes with a rat tail file to slot any holes in the plates that do not line up perfectly.
    (The bolts must pass through with no interference).
    Pay special attention to the use and correct positioning of front mount spacers and grippy washers (OEM recommended).
    There are many aftermarket front mount bolts that are longer to facilitate installing forward footpeg mounting brackets that get sandwiched with the mount plates.
    Do not install a long bolt in the front mount upper rear position (you'll break the cases!).
    See Lower Front Mounts below for more details.
  3. After the front mount bolts are tightened, install the top mounting bracket(s).
    Shim any gaps in the upper mount(s) or slot bolt holes as needed with large diameter washers.
    Click Here to read more on shims in the Sportsterpedia.
    See Top Mounts on the main IH Motor Mount Page for links to more details per year model.

All Else Fails

There is sometimes some wiggle room on the rear mount. 7)
Loosen all the bolts slightly and give it a yank in the direction you need hold and tighten.
DO NOT pull things into position or jam bolts in under pressure!
The bolt holes must line up naturally or the rear mount will break in use.
Don't get in a rush, it will be costly later (regrets if nothing else).
You don't have time to NOT do it right. It will NOT get done later and will leave you beside the road when it breaks.
Put it together right the first time, or you will be forever breaking down.

Another way to do that is to hang the motor by the center (head mount) on the frame. 8)
Use no washers,leave the front mount bolts out and the front mounts loose at the engine.
Start all of your rear mount bolts but don't tighten them up yet. Start all of your front mount bolts but leave them loose.
Now tighten up the rear mount bolts evenly until the rear mount is seated and torque the bolts.
Snug up the front mounts but not tight. Remove the top mount and add washers until you have about 1/32“ play at the top mount.
Tighten front mount bolts, frame and engine. Tighten top mount and you are done.

1957-1969 Sportster XL/XLH/XLCH-900 FSM pg 70
1970-1978 HD Sportster XL/XLH/XLCH/XLT-1000 FSM pg 3-8
1979-1985 HD XL/XR-1000 FSM pgs 3-11, 3-60
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