REF: Engine Mechanicals - Sub-07A

Example of Air Pulses Using a 1000cc Motor

The piston motions create a pulsating blast of air pressure (push pull condition as each piston rises and falls).
Static oil pump pressure has already been dissipated by the time it reaches the crankcase.
(although it takes static oil pressure to get the oil from the pump to the crankcase)

Likewise, crankcase (CC) pressure will have an average and constant change in velocity.
Oil in the crankcase adds resistance to the air pressure generated (raising the pressure).
The movement of the pistons and flywheels splash oil around in the engine.
Gravity oil (from the drain ports in the heads) returns to the crankcase or gearcase (respective to year model);

Crankcase pressure both pushes to and sucks from the breather valve.

The volume between positive and negative pressure decreases as RPM goes up.

drawing by Hippysmack